RV Details
Reg :- G-GRVE
Owner(s) :- A Ransome (Group)
Serial No :- PFA 181A-12566
Location :- Castleford
Type :- RV6
Status :- Flying
Engine :- Lycoming D1A
Ign :-
Prop :- 70CM7S9-0-80
Website :-
Notes :-
For details the engine is Lycoming D1A supplied new by Vans, propeller is Sensenich 70CM7S9-0-80, the panel is ‘Classic Style’ instruments and layout (designed and built before the electronic age) although I do have a Navaid AP coupled into a SKymap 111C, an invaluable combination although old hat by the standard of today’s finished aircraft. The nav/com is a Bendix King KX125 and a KT76A transponder.